To Susana
Tlacotalpan, Ver. 2 de Febrero de 2011
Contemporary Mexican art has been enriched by centuries of history and culture. From great pre-Hispanic art, through the passing of Spanish influence and up until the art of today. This has made it become vigorous and mainly expressive.
These qualities are evident in Susana Enriquez’s work, Mexican artist based in Australia, who has succesfully assimilated her birthright and locates her in a class of true originality.  Susana Enriquez (née) Alfaro) was born in Mexico City, a magical place where the sun is ever lasting and the moon is still, motionless, disappearing into the night to once again emerge over the ancient lake with astonishing images.
Susana Enriquez is a visual artist engaged to both her time and career. Susana has exhibited her artworks on multiples occasions in group and solo shows within and outside her country of origin. Furthermore she has successfully completed a Bachelor and Masters degree at the National School of Plastic Arts at the Autonomous National University of Mexico (Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) an a doctorate degree from the University of Newcastle Australia, the country in which she now lives in.
Susana’s art reflects her vital experience; the music and the visual arts have been the focal points that have guided her work. The color in her paintings immediately reflects the greatness of her homeland, assimilated and appreciated in all its depth.
Art in Mexico is ever present: in the air, on the streets and in the breath taking landscapes. By bringing all these treasures together into her art works Susana produces a natural representation of this truly profound essence.
Pier Francastel (1900-1970) says “An artists work like that of a mathematician, possesses the characteristics of a double inductive and deductive network, that in placing itself over reality, permits the exploration and information of it. From problem to problem, the active man rises from the level of vulgar experience to that of explanatory structures of the universeâ€.
The artist Susana Enriquez has assimilated the world which initiallly created her, taken advantage of the cultural heritage which has formed her as a Mexican and transmitted this through her art. Forms, colors, textures, spaces, working in harmony with academic rules well learned and taken to the extreme, where only natural intuition may lead us to a happy ending.
The result is a work that reflects a great poetic power that permeates and will last throughout her significant work.
Although Susana resides in Australia she brings us the fruits she has harvested in recent years. A colorful composition of art which confirms that the Mexican artist will always reflect her profound and deep roots and her magic, even if she resides at the other end of the universe.
Tlacotalpan, Ver. 2 de Febrero de 2011
Senior Professor, Researcher ENAP UNAM.
Mexican Academy of the Arts Member
ENAP- Plastic Arts National School (Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas)
UNAM – Autonomous National University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)